Air Mattress Hacks: A Trail to Proper Sleep

SoundAsleep Dream Series Air Mattress with ComfortCoil Technology
Air Mattress Hacks: A Trail to Proper Sleep

How to Make Air Mattress More Comfortable?

You have heard a lot about air mattresses; do you know that this amazing product is also called airbed or blow-up bed. These wondrous mattresses are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), urethane, or rubber. In this era, we always search for shortcuts and air mattresses are the solution to get rid of heavy-loaded beddings. These are extremely light and instant solutions for perfect sleep. Let’s have a look at the ultimate solution of air mattress hacks for comfortable sleep.

If you do not like to spend much time managing your bed after a hectic and tiring day; here, we are going to explore more about the airbed. Just sit back and know about the magic.

The efficiency of air mattress

Proper sleep is very helpful for a healthy lifestyle. To achieve that beneficial practice, you need to switch to an air mattress. Airbeds are blessings for our body; they can easily channelize different pressure of air and the body movements throughout the mattress area. Air mattresses can give you proper sleep throughout the night. Do you know there are other benefits of airbeds? The below-mentioned points can justify the advantages of an air mattress:


  • Promote blood circulation

We generally sleep for 5 to 6 hrs on average. Our bodies tend to be motionless at that moment, thus there are high chances of pressure build-ups. By the usage of distinct motions and patterns, the airbeds help in blood flow while we are sleeping in a similar position for a long period. For this beneficial characteristic, air mattresses are often named anti-decubitus mattresses.


Sleeping On The Floor increases blood circulation

  • Relief of pressure

Sometimes you may face many issues in various parts of the body. After you wake up, you may have experienced a lot of pressure on your elbows, shoulders, and calves. But like a miracle, the airbeds can balance the air within the mattress. It can easily shift the air from certain sections, such as the elbows, calves, and shoulders.

With the less air-inflated inside of it, the pressure also reduces.


  • Redistribute the pressure

To lessen the pressure on your body, the airbeds are here to be the solution. This quality of air mattresses can reduce the formation of any kind of bumpy structure on the mattress. It can easily adjust itself to the shape of our body. The air mattresses can adjust according to the shape and size.

6 ways to make air-mattress more comfortable

Air mattress is one solution to many problems. Change your sleeping habits at this right moment and adopt an effective air mattress. Enhance your sleeping quality; this virtual platform can assist you. We are about to explore and know more about how to make an air mattress more comfortable? The airbeds are always considered as most warm and comfortable bedding, but a little change might increase the good experience. Don’t miss the chance to make your air mattress more warm and cozy.


  • Cover the air mattress

Are you aware of the fact that an airbed is nothing but inflated air within a shape? The air inside the mattress is bound to give warm vibes whenever the weather outside is cold. It also tries to reduce the temperature whenever the outside temperature is hot. The condition outside might change anytime, but you should not let that happen with your air mattress; try to cover the airbed with a proper bed sheet or mattress cover. This can save you from experiencing sudden temperature changes.


benefits of cotton

  • A soft base

Most of the time, we make a common mistake of putting the air mattress on the floor. This can easily affect your sleep and reduce the quality of the mattress. To save the bedding from any further damages and to have a proper sleep, you can try to put it on a soft surface; like rugs or carpets, this trick not only helps the mattress to give that vibe but also reduces the noise of friction.


  • Put on a topper

Air mattresses are made of rubber or plastic-like materials. It’s never easy to sleep on such a surface. The airbed already gives proper sleep and helps in adjusting the bed. But, to avoid any unnecessary touch with the manufacturing material, can you put a mattress topper on air mattress? This might help in increasing the comfort and you will get the result of course.


  • Choose a perfect pillow

The mattress is not alone responsible for your sleep, but the pillow is equally accountable. The air mattress can regulate the air within, according to your body. But a proper pillow can be an add-on. With a comfortable mattress and uncomfortable pillow, you cannot sleep well. The best option is to choose a very soft pillow for bedtime.


  • Find out a sider

Most of the time, the beds have that headboard. Headboards are not only good side-wise but, they also provide support. In the case of an air mattress, the sider might not be available. So you can choose the wall. The wall can give you proper support to lean on after a long tiring day.


  • The proper amount of air within

Air mattress is an inflated bag, which gives maximum comfort to its users. Do not forget to balance the air inflated inside. Too much pressure may lead to damages or temporary discomfort. If you keep the air pressure low, it might help in adjusting the circulation of air within.

Some useful air mattress hacks to take care of it

Now that you know how to add more comfort to your air mattress. We are about to explore a few air mattress hacks that can help you to keep it safe and last for a longer period. After all, we cannot invest a bulk for frequent damages.


  • Give it bed like the importance

An air mattress is no less than a bed. Rather it can increase the level of comfort of a solid-wooden bed. You will be able to feel the difference when you treat it as the only sleeping companion or just a normal mattress. The airbeds are sensitive sometimes; you need to be extra careful while you use any air mattress. Use toppers or any other soft-base to protect the air beds.


  • Proper storage

When you have used the mattress and want to keep it away in the storage room, make sure that it has been stored properly. There are a few things that you need to check on; try to inspect any hole or scratches on the mattress and you have to dry it up completely before you place it in the storage. Any kind of humidity may destroy the mattress. A proper folding can save it from further damages and put it inside a box or a bag.


  • Do not keep it bare

The material of an air mattress is just plastic, it can get damaged anytime. You need to take care of the surface, regular scratches on the surface of an air mattress can ruin its quality and it may also cause leakage. You cannot afford to buy new mattresses every time right? This hack can also save it from losing its natural colour.


  • Check on your mattress

If you keep the air mattress stored for a long period, it might cause damages to your air beds. The mattress needs to be checked on often. If you are not willing to use the air mattress for a long period, then follow this tip: take the airbed out of the storage room and open it up. Then you can easily soak it under the sunlight for a moment or dust it. This may help in avoiding folding marks and the formation of insect colonies.


So, here we are at the end of a very informative session. Hope we can put some light on your queries. We can agree to the fact that air mattresses are very comforting and even flexible. But, we have very few insights on how to improve that comforting experience. There is nothing bad with demanding the maximum right? Follow the above-mentioned air mattress hacks for a good and warm sleep. You can be as much as creative and make the moments special with your soft and cozy mattress. Now, you know how to make up a comfortable air mattress. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up, rush into your room and alter the airbed, making it the most comforting item of your household.


kids jump over the mattress

How much does an air mattress cost on average?
An air mattress can cost anywhere from $25 to $120 depending on its size and quality.
From where can I buy an air mattress?
You can easily purchase an air mattress at a market or on the internet. 
Can I use the air mattress in a pool?
Yes, you can use the air mattress in water.
Can I use the airbed on a bedding frame?
Children can play on an air mattress?
No, it’s recommended that you apply less pressure to your air mattress.